16 May 2008

***** (Kitty) Ramones!!!! Live at CBGBs!!!! *****

I used to hate being alone. Now, I welcome time to myself. The husband is at work and the daughter is at a slumber party. It is nice to just be here, sitting quietly alone. Well, I do have a somewhat ominous looking poster of Duran Duran in front of me. So, I guess I'm not all alone. The guys are all staring at me as if to say, "What are you doing? Get back to work." :)

Oh- and I forgot about my gatos. They are here with me too. I have three of them. Rio, Winnie, and Tink. All of them share the same last name: "Ramone". I think we should get a fourth cat so that they can form a Ramones cover band. That would be so awesome. I could just imagine a kitty Ramones band. They would play so well. You ever seen a cat bat its paw at something? They can do it really fast- just like the Ramones when they were playing their guitars/drums/whatever. I'd like to see my cats in some jeans, white t-shirts, and leather jackets. lol They would rock!

Anyway.... so, I'm sitting here thinking, "I never know what to do when I actually do have time alone". I mean, when I'm not alone, I can think of a million things to do if I had some time to myself. Now, I have time to myself and I don't know what to do. I've even made lists of what to do when I have alone time. But, I always lose them. :)

I think I'll just listen to some music and draw. My brother has been drawing some cool stuff lately. He's got me inspired. So, yeah, I guess I'll do that. I'm out...


AJ said...

My bets are on Rio for learning an instrument first! Lol.

The dilemma (at least for me)with alone-time is that there are too many things I want to catch up on and to decide is sometimes a pain, so I end up doing something interesting (procrastinating) but not something I frequently wish I had time to do when I am busy.

Your blog was helpful in my 1 hr remaining of alone time...it reminded to work on a jewelry class assignment and research photos.

So 3 cheers for time spent alone!

Trish said...

Yeah, I think you're right about Rio. lol :) I was thinkin, Rio on guitar, Winnie on bass, and Tink on drums. We'll have to get a super-scraggly lookin' alley-cat to be the lead singer. lol :) Then, it'll be close to the real Ramones. Viva los Ramones!