16 May 2008

***** (Kitty) Ramones!!!! Live at CBGBs!!!! *****

I used to hate being alone. Now, I welcome time to myself. The husband is at work and the daughter is at a slumber party. It is nice to just be here, sitting quietly alone. Well, I do have a somewhat ominous looking poster of Duran Duran in front of me. So, I guess I'm not all alone. The guys are all staring at me as if to say, "What are you doing? Get back to work." :)

Oh- and I forgot about my gatos. They are here with me too. I have three of them. Rio, Winnie, and Tink. All of them share the same last name: "Ramone". I think we should get a fourth cat so that they can form a Ramones cover band. That would be so awesome. I could just imagine a kitty Ramones band. They would play so well. You ever seen a cat bat its paw at something? They can do it really fast- just like the Ramones when they were playing their guitars/drums/whatever. I'd like to see my cats in some jeans, white t-shirts, and leather jackets. lol They would rock!

Anyway.... so, I'm sitting here thinking, "I never know what to do when I actually do have time alone". I mean, when I'm not alone, I can think of a million things to do if I had some time to myself. Now, I have time to myself and I don't know what to do. I've even made lists of what to do when I have alone time. But, I always lose them. :)

I think I'll just listen to some music and draw. My brother has been drawing some cool stuff lately. He's got me inspired. So, yeah, I guess I'll do that. I'm out...

12 May 2008

Beyond Mother's Day

I think being a mother definitely affects one's perception. Prior to being a mother, I felt differently toward my own mother. Being a mom makes me appreciate mothers more than I ever did before. As my own daughter grows, I appreciate mothers even more than I did when she was small.

Some of us are blessed to have children who treat everyday like Mother's Day. But, I can honestly say that I have not always honored my mother in any great fashion on Mother's Day (or any other day of the year, for that matter). I guess you don't realize how hard something is until you're in the midst of it. Sometimes, you don't realize it until after you've been through it. Women tend to devalue themselves/their work anyway. Unfortunately, so do many of those around them... often because we (as women) tend to play down much of what we do and others just follow our lead. Mothers are prime examples of this.

Anyway, I find it particularly sad that men often don't recognize all that the women in their lives do. It's especially disturbing when those women are good mothers/wives. Thankfully, we know that God recognizes the work we do.

With all that said, I got the sweetest card from my daughter this Mother's Day. She always makes them by hand... which is always so special. I have such a lovely daughter.

I love that although we look very little like each other... we are very similar in personality/taste/etc. That makes things fun. I love that we can shop together and we both know what will work and what is a definite, "NO way!" lol I love that we have similar facial expressions. I love that we are extremely close. I thank God for that... I know it is a rare gift... though one that I think can be had by many. I think most people just don't recognize the gift they've been given... and so they do not cherish it/cultivate it/etc. I'm thankful that both her and I recognize that gift and do honor it. I hope that never changes.

11 May 2008

Mother's Day

I'm not sure Mother's Day is such a great thing... it should be... but,
I don't think it is. How can you possibly do anything to truly say, "Thank you"? I mean, just taking someone out to eat doesn't really quite show enough thanks IMHO. How do you thank the mothers in your life properly? I mean, it's a lot that mothers do for their families. How do you show you care in an appropriate way? Sorry, but flowers and chocolates don't cut it.

Maybe it's best to make everyday Mother's Day. Maybe start taking some of that motherly advice, see where it leads. That could be a step in the direction of making a mom feel appreciated. Maybe help them by doing your chores without having to be asked. Maybe take it upon yourself to plan to do something with her that she wouldn't expect.

I could be asking too much... or am I?

10 May 2008

Welcome to Trishology 101...

So, today is our first day together here in Trishology 101. As noted, this is a crash course in mystical spontaneity and paranormal living.
If you haven't figured it out already, that just means that you are
going to be learning about me- Trish... and my ways of flitting somewhat unpredictably through life in ways which seem contrary
to the norm. Sometimes, this is due to pure silliness. Other times
it's just my way of following wherever I feel the Lord leading me.

"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." - Jesus (John 3:8)

I look forward to many enjoyable sessions here in Trishology 101. Please feel free to leave comments/feedback/love notes, etc.