12 June 2008

Khadija, Kenya, Grace, Design, Cassius, Shadow Puppets, Elbow, Amy, Etc.

I'm supposed to be blogging more.... shame on me! But, today, I actually have a lot to share.

Ok, so, this last week has been pretty awesome. I mean, yeah, I've had my ups and downs, but, overall- it's been good.

First off, we sponsored a little girl from Kenya to go to school. Her name is, Khadija. And....... I get to meet her in September! Yeah, that's right. I'm GOING TO KENYA!!!! I can't believe it. It's been my biggest dream since jr. high school. I mean- going to help people out over there. I'm going on a 2-week short-term mission trip through my church. I have no money to do it- but, I've prayed about it and God is saying, "You get ready and I'll provide the way." So, that's what I'm doing- getting ready. I go to an info meeting on Monday evening at church. I can't wait. So, if anybody reading this feels the Lord prompting them to help sponsor my trip, any help would be much appreciated. You can e-mail me at trish777(at)gmail.com and let me know how you would like to help out.

Ok, the next thing. We've been struggling to find the right church for us since 2003. Yeah, that's a long time. We finally found our home. Man! It is the most awesome feeling to know you're where you are supposed to be. We are becoming members of Grace Community Church in Tempe this month. I'm really happy about it... so are Andy and Ayanna. It's a great church full of some really awesome people. I am absolutely humbled that God has blessed me with such a great church family. I keep meeting more and more people there- they are really open and REAL!!!! I love it.

Yeah, so, another thing related to Grace... I am starting a volunteer position next week at church. I really have no idea if there's any kind of title for it- but, I will be working on web design and whatever other design/film/motion graphics stuff they will let me get my little hands on. I'm really looking forward to learning as much as I can from the guys I'll be helping out. Their names are Charles and Pete. They are really down-to-earth guys who seem eager to teach me whatever they know. I just pray that I'll be able to perform well for them- I don't want to be a thorn in their side. I have a lot to learn about graphics.... so, hopefully God will "bless the work of my hands" and let it be a blessing to others. I can't wait to get busy on some cool new projects.

On the music front.... anybody heard of "Foals", "Elbow", or "The Last Shadow Puppets"? asdlfjaspodfiaioreghak;dhdgf;asdfhja;lskdjfa;ksdljkf < -------- that is how these bands' music makes me feel. Let me do that again: asldkjfas;dfljkasld;fjkas;ldfkjasdl;fkjasdf..... ahhhh.... yeah, that's how it feels alright. There aren't words to describe it. I'm totally diggin' all their stuff right now. Foals have this awesome song called, "Cassius". It totally gets stuck in your head though... I wake up thinkin it... I fall asleep thinkin it. lol :) They also have this other song, "Red Socks Pugie." I LOVE it. Totally awesome. Anyway, their c.d. rocks. As for Elbow's new c.d. .... are you kidding me? Unbelievable group. Just too cool. They have a real bluesy sound on much of their stuff (not all)... love them. And last, but definitely not least.... "The Last Shadow Puppets". All I'm gonna say is: you MUST hear this c.d. (download from iTunes, whatever). Ok, no, that's not all I'm gonna say, because I can't shut up about them. HOLY! This band is good - frontmen from Arctic Monkeys and The Rascals... plus the London Metropolitan Orchestra. Wow. So '60s.... so cool. My favorite right now is: "Standing Next to Me".... but, I have a feeling that could change the more I listen to the c.d.

Oh- another thing. I just wanted to mention how my friend, Amy (and I know she'll see this here... lol), came over yesterday and hung out with me. We talked WAAAAAAYYYYYY too long (as we usually do).... but, we had a really good visit. She is awesome. I'm glad her husband lets her come over and play... even though we play too long! lol Anyway, she is a great friend and I wish everybody had a friend as good as she is to me. :)

God is good.